Facing Human Wrongs:

Unlearning Bundle (Unit) 1: What is Education for?

Unit 1: What Is Education For?

(un)Learning bundle invitations:

1) Watch the lecture: Introduction by Will and Vanessa

2) Complete an exercise: Education 2048

3) Read the required text: Global citizenship education for VUCA times

4) Watch the documentary: Schooling the world

5) Complete the forest/city walk exercise: Monocultures of the mind

6) Reflect on artist practices and pop culture: Restricted imagination and sensibility

7) Complete the questionnaire: “Is this course for me?” 
If you decide to proceed with the course, record your reflections and responses on Flipgrid with your  group or here if you are taking this course as self-study.

8) (optional) Building discipline, stamina and capacity for the long haul: Body/Land recalibration 1

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